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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you agree that all sort of jealousy arises from selfishness? even between spo

Question:See your happiness in the happiness of others,and see the jealousy disappear.Bless you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: See your happiness in the happiness of others,and see the jealousy disappear.Bless you.

No. I think often it arises from fear, lack of trust, and painful pasts that we haven't yet reconciled.

No, I think a lot of jealousy arises from insecurity. An individual's insecurity, or a sense of insecurity in a relationship.

i think yes !! coz u believe that u must be on top n best of all .u can't bear that others r being praised but not u !?

The root of jealousy is deeper. All persons are selfish in the sense that they look after their own interest. They may show that they are well disposed towards another. When the interest does not clash they may go out to help.
But jealousy is something more vicious, and it has been seen to occur between closest relations, including spouses.

Everything if it goes too far or NO far is bad.

Being jealous in a crazy way over your wife, "where you go", "what you did?", "who u met", and even not caring at all who she goes with and what she does, is wrong.

Jealousy is a good thing and to us Muslims is a positive adjective, but keep it normal.

So many jealous men killed their wives because of that, and so many not jealous (trying to say I'm open-minded in that matter) lead their wives to wrong ways.

Then again, there comes the trust in marriage.

Jealous doesn't have to be in particular: "Where you been?", "Who you were with?!!" , but it can be in a positive manner, out of love and affection.

it's known that jealousy and fear arises from 'dwaithabhavana'-that which is different from me-By attaining the view that everytthing including me is the manifestation of the super power we can get rid of this nature called jelousy. so i agree that all sorts of jealousy arises from selfishness

getting back down to earth then.. yes especially when children come into play, because they play you off against each other for the best deal.

this is objective as opposed to negative it should be acknowledged and dealt with.

Jealousy arise's when someone appears to be overtaking your function. In couples who are compromising its a very tangible issue.

I think jealousy arises from insecurity more than anything. the acts of it may be selfish, but i think insecurity is definitely the can't truly live for and love someone else unless it's for yourself first

I wouldn't consider jealousy selfishness.

Jealousy is based on insecutities and fears.

There needs to be a bit of jealously or a person isn't human. If over jealously this person needs some counseling on trusting self and letting go of fear.

Of egotistical selfishness: yes.
Of egoistical selfishness; no. Vices do not arise from egoistical selfishness.