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Position:Home>Philosophy> If human beings attempted to do every possible thing on earth, would there be an

Question:Is there an infinite number of things we can do on earth or is it just a large number. Let me know what you guys think. Dont take into consideration how long we live, because its impossible to do everything in a lifetime. And of course if there was an end to the number the last thing a human being would do is die.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is there an infinite number of things we can do on earth or is it just a large number. Let me know what you guys think. Dont take into consideration how long we live, because its impossible to do everything in a lifetime. And of course if there was an end to the number the last thing a human being would do is die.

Well consider, I can touch my nose, I can touch my sister's nose, I can touch my parent's nose (that's two right there). That's already 4 things I can do. That still leaves me with a whole gaggle of body parts to touch and a whole world full of people whose personal space I can violate.

I would say that the amount of "things" a person can do is pretty much unlimited.

I just had a thought and that led me to thinking....
Is a "thing" (as per the question) bounded by time? I could stick my finger in my ear *this* second and I could stick it again *this* second that way they are separate "things". This would make the "things that we can possibly do" infinite or just as many seconds as there is in Time.

There is nothing new under the sun.

It would not be infinite but the list and its variations would be long enough to make it humanly impossible for one person to achieve.

I don't think we can ever stick our elbow in our ears, painlessly; therefore, we'd ultimately fail.

Because earth is finite, the number of
'things we can can do` is also finite,
though very large. - (Consider the number of
'Possible first moves` on a simple chessboard).
The number of 'things that make sense to do`
is also very large, - but a hellofa lot smaller.

The last thing a human being does do is die.