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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does it seem like humans have forgotten something? If so, what is it that humans

Question:Just curious....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just curious....

Forgotten their God, forgotten the truth, the historial facts, finding truth.

They forgot to search for their religion like mad people. They forgot to depend on what they think, not what their fathers and fathers before them did.

They forgot to not be crowd followers. One claps, the one beside him claps, then he sees a group does the same, then automatically his hands get together and does the same!


How to get along with each other without resorting to violence.

to take care of the world and learn care about others before ones self

I can't speak for all of humanity, but Americans appear to have forgotten that the most important things in life... aren't things. they are the time you spend with family, the feeling of victory when you accomplish a goal, the satisfying sense of peace after a hard day of struggle. Americans need to consume less, passively accept less, and DO more.

Love each other *_*

That's what separates us from the animals:

Animals don't question anything, they just live, following their basic instincts....

We as human beings seem to have traded in this secure certainty for the option to question EVERYTHING....

We have become disconnected from everything around us. We like to blame Americans for the destruction of the world, and ignore the fact we are an entity on this planet who is wholly responsible and we need to hold ourselves accountable for the atrocities we pass on to the person sitting right next to us. Instead of pointing fingers we should all act. Our parents left us this world and their parents before, and now we pass this thing on to our children and grandchildren. If we stop passing on our mistakes and face the reality the human race created, we may just find that thing we have so easily ignored for an i-Pod. Its not forgotten, just pushed aside.

3 things...
1.) common courtesy
2.) common sense
3.) honesty

I'm sorry, I can't resist this. If we knew what we had forgotten, we wouldn't have forgotten it.

Seriously, though, I think we're so wrapped up in "Now" and "I want" that we've forgotten plain old morality.

Humans have forgotten to live in peace with Nature.


to some extent humans have forgotten their "Humanity".....

to check it : just analysis for your own self....

how many times do you thank your parents for their support in your life?

do you sacrifice your wishes to help the another needy person living in your city/colony/or sector....?

how many times do you say to your self.. i am happy and satisfied with my i just wanna live for others...?

its just the beginning my dear..........

think first what i lost in my soul...than ask for humans......

I think we have forgotten we are one of the most dangerous and vicious animals on earth.

We cannot be peaceful as a whole because we are not a peaceful species. We want and take. We put our own needs above the needs of others.

There are some that have evolved past this, we have forgotten that not all of us are at this evolutionary stage. And until we are we will continue to have wars, murders and parts of the world starving while others sit down to a 5 course meal every night.

We have forgotten we are animals, basically no better and no worse than any other living on this planet, just with a different intelligence level.

To be humane.

Trust in God's mercy.