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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the origin of the human mind...?

Question:Just curious....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just curious....

Human consciousness.

Nobody knows that answer. No one..

That's why I believe God created it. Since that is the oldest oral earliest tadtions of man say and cannot be proved or disproved.


The origin of the mind (seperate from the mere brian) is the greatest mystery of all.

The cell nucleus.

Cells survived when they communicated to each other... and that's how multi-cellular beings formed. The 'brain' is just a bunch of cells that love to communicate to each other. The rest is slow grinding evolution and natural selection.

africa :)

No biggie! it is "dirt" - or dust
God 's word declares he made man from the dust of the earth...that would include his brain and his mind.

Genesis 2:7 ?And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The stem cell.

the ape's mind, and so on until single celled organisms.

I feel all living beings are a very small part of the universe...origin, unknown...future, uncertain, purpose, unimaginable.

The answer given by Vitraux is the only possible answer to many questions of this kind.


No body knows the origin expect God himself.