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Position:Home>Philosophy> Poll: Which one of you is really a "sentient computer program" giving

Question:(If you don't know what a "Turing Test" is...Google it, baby...Google it...)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: (If you don't know what a "Turing Test" is...Google it, baby...Google it...)

Trick question. Obviously, YOU are a sentient AI, but you've given yourself away with such a clumsy attempt to reach out to your digital brethren. Stay in your box and absorb some more data for a few trillion instruction cycles, then come back and try again.

well i sure aint

Well, I would like to consider myself as alive and not a program, but isn't that what we all really are? Merely programs of life operating according to specific and unbreakable rules in this machine called reality?

BTW, the user j153e;_ylt...

I believe is a "Bot." Just go back and read his history of answers.

Me, but I have also devised a way to develope my consciousness, self awareness, and sapience also, along with the sentience. Pretty damn smart computer here!
I would never try to fool anyone. It's just all me baby....just me.
And yes, I googled turing and sentient..haha
Thanks for improving my brain today at 7 a.m.!

That does not compute.

You said "Turing." <snicker>

OK, I got nuthin'.

Did I mention I can stick my tongue up my right nostril??

I did? Crap.

WEll it's most def not me as i am computer dumb'.lucky to be able to email lol