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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is Norway home to such dark music (black metal)? Why is Norway the home of m

Question:Is it the weather there or something?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it the weather there or something?

Because they are the direct descendants of the Vikings, who raped, killed and pillaged Europe.

I really don't know if metal is evil. I'm not a metal fan and I never listen to see just how evil it is. Norway has a history of Vikings, who were neither believers in christianity (why I bring this up? You used "evil") or what in today's standards would be a "good" lot of people. They were savage pirate-like people and as free in their morals as gypsies. That's the history of Norway's lineage of people. You can't expect to find the same culture you find in christianity laden countries like the U.S., which were settled by religious refugees (as well as crooks, but mostly Pilgrims in the original colonies).

Have you looked around you lately...their seems the devil rules the roost these days, not just Norway.

That's interesting considering that Norway is regarded by many annalist to be the best country to live.