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Position:Home>Philosophy> I've failed to build a bridge into you suppose that I can cros

Question:Yesterday no longer exists, there's no way back to it. You can't build a bridge into the future for it would never be completed. It isn't about the destination, but enjoying the bridge itself, where you are right now.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yesterday no longer exists, there's no way back to it. You can't build a bridge into the future for it would never be completed. It isn't about the destination, but enjoying the bridge itself, where you are right now.

lay off the pot and poetry.

never hurts to try
some times you come to a dead end and have to turn around

this is a good idea,if successful can i ve a go? dude if u want philosophical answers give some info pls?

You never left it. Look around!

With Today's climate Both bridges have collapsed .

a bridge will always be there and today a briged could be built for tomorrow you just need will and perseverance to finish it before tomorrow comes

I sure hope so. All bridges are doomed to fall - we'll just have to learn to go AROUND..

Always today is all there is.

yesterday is gone. tomorrow, however, is a new day. start the bridge over.

yesterday is dead, unless you can learn from it. Tomorrow is much more profitable. You know the best answer on building your bridge to your place. Where do you want to be? What should you be doing?