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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that merely thinking something can make it happen?

Question:And what if it's a disappointment and didn't go the way you thought?

Do I keep thinking or let the thought or notion go?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And what if it's a disappointment and didn't go the way you thought?

Do I keep thinking or let the thought or notion go?

Your experience of reality mirrors the contents of consciousness 'holographically.' The majority of people are highly conflicted and controlled by the subconscious beliefs of the conditioned ego identity and their experience reflects those conflicted thought patterns.

It is VERY unlikely that a 'thought' will be realized in this condition or state of mind, but a constant repetition of a thought has more of a chance to be actualized. For some people affirmations work quite quickly, but in any event they will tend to flush out into consciousness your hidden and limiting beliefs which can then be dealt with and discarded.

I would let go.

If someone knows about it. Other than that, it's a mere coincidence.

Just be happy with what ever happens and know that It is a gift.

This is the best way to be happy.

Love and blessings Don's not possible to make something happen just by thinking or wishing might be nice if it were possible as that would make us magical!

Nope, I've tried.

I'd let it go lovely =)

I want my girlfriend to come back, but I still have to wait a week, I think, I do nothing but think, shes still not back this second.

yes, i believe the thought is materialistic. that is why all the books on positive thinking. :)

That is called Solipsism I think.

I have thought alot about this too and am still unsure. However I believe that the power of persuation has a huge role in what happens for you. If you believe in something and truly believe it will happen for you then you have yourself persuaded enough to make it happen. But I dont believe that just sitting around and waiting will make things happen for you. You have to take some responsiblity. So I say that believing that something will happen works if and only if believing it convinces you to try to make it happen. And if it still doesnt happen then try to think of another way to make it happen dont be discouraged. Hope that helps.

The thought of something happening is in it's essence the thought of the emotive result from that occurence. If one is not afraid to delve into the flights of fancy one can expeince the results without ever needing the happenstance. I know some of you have thought of a crush and daydreamed your way into a very hot encounter without ever "doing" a thing, or seen the lottery and felt the rush of being able to go and do anything you want without ever even necessarily buying a ticket, so yes.

It depends on what you are thinking about.
If for instance you think that the washing up will do itself, then no, that is wishful thinking and it will never happen no matter how hard you think it.
If you think you want your boyfriend to kiss you, then body language can give signals to him and it might hapen.
If you think that you can make things happen just by thinking about it, in someways this is magical thinking and maybe the start of a personality disoder like schizotypal disorder.
I would say, define how real or likely it is to happen before you let it go, a sound judgement might save you a lot of thinking.

if it was like this we would be still in caves wearing leaves as clothes.but apparently real life is different. thinking is the key to progress but acting upon your positive thoughts is the main rule. we can't just sit down and carry on thinking that i will get my food tonight. but what i can do is sit down and think of some way to get food and then get up and do it as well....................

Follow your intuition.

Do it all the time,I want more money the best way was to get more overtime next week I'm doing 48hrs that's 14hrs at time and a half.

Think of it this way our life is like a tree,the trunk is our solid now,our roots are our maybes and our branches,twig's,leaf's are our might be's look at your choices these are your branches and decide were that branch goes but beware you could find yourself out on a limb.

There is an old buhdist saying from monkey. "with our thoughts we create the world".


If you think something very stroungly, then u may force yourself to believe in a different reality.

for example if you wished u could read minds and u made yourself believe it by trying to belive it very very stroungly, u will convince yourself u can.

The most real thing to you is what you believe is real.


However u could argue that your the world exists only in your mind, (such as a dream world). and that it dosnt "physicaly exist", so what you believe and think will have an impact on your "life"

If it were true,then most of our current politicians would drop dead instantly.
Let go of the thought,it is too frustrating to wish in vain.

the first step to make hopes and dreams coming come true is thinking about them, although, just thinking won't make anything

"A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”

- Marcus Aurelius –

Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, “a man is what he thinks about all day long.” He understood an important principle that is at the heart of sales success, or any other success for that matter. If you believe you are a successful salesperson and you think about yourself succeeding day in and day out, you will succeed. Unfortunately, the reverse is equally true.

Norman Vincent Peale also wrote about this concept:

This is one of the greatest laws in the universe. Fervently do I wish I had discovered it as a very young man. It dawned on me much later in life and I found it one of the greatest, if not my greatest, discovery outside of my relationship to God.

The law of prosperity and success to which he was referring says that if you think in positive terms, you’ll achieve positive results but negative thinking produces only negative results.

Psychologists and motivational speakers, like Earl Nightingale, suggest the mind is very much like the land on a farm. The land gives the farmer a choice. He can plant whatever he chooses since the land doesn’t care. It is up to the farmer to make the decision. Our subconscious mind, like the farmer’s land, doesn’t care what we plant either. It will return whatever we plant. Once the seed is planted and watered, it will grow. Seeds of success or seeds of failure are available for planting. We can plant seeds of success and harvest happiness or seeds of failure and harvest disillusionment and discontent. What are you planting?

nurtue your mind with harmonious...peaceful and graceful thoughts and you will witness miracles in your life....because builder of destiny is mind.