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Question:Is love a game?
y/ y not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is love a game?
y/ y not?

Everything in life is a game when you truly look at it. There will be times when you do not know what will happen, there will be a surprise roll of the die, or turn of a card that ends your turn or allows you to win it all. However, when you love someone and they love you, it doesn't matter who wins the game. There will always be a time when you have to place all your chips on the table and hope for the best, without big risks don't come big rewards.

Always remember the nature of the game though...sometimes it's your pocket change on the line...sometimes it's your house...sometimes it's someones heart, maybe even your own.

It isn't a game. But I suppose if you chose to believe it a game you can make it so.

So, who's on first?

No it is not :))

Love is not, but relationships often are.