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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are there more people out there who are happy vs. unhappy?

Question:In this world, do you believe there are more people who are happy with themselves & their life or more of the opposite & why? What about you? Are you truly happy with yourself?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In this world, do you believe there are more people who are happy with themselves & their life or more of the opposite & why? What about you? Are you truly happy with yourself?

I think there are a lot more unhappier people in this world compared to the amount that are happy. It is human nature to desire what we don't have a.k.a greed. Since people are "their own worst critics", they see a lot of things wrong with them and want to desperately fix their flaws. This leads to unhappiness. I am happy, generaly speaking, but of course I am not truly happy with myself. I like to keep a positive attitude because I can't stand being depressed. Of course I have desires for better looks, knowledge, etc. but I certainly can't have it all. I've learned to accept myself and I think that is what happiness is.

Not today, it's St. Patrick's Day! Have a good one. :)

Yes I am happy with myself. I still think there are things I can do to improve myself, but I'm happy with the progress I'm making. I think that's part of the point of life - I don't expect to be perfect now, or ever, but I do expect to grow wiser and more good as I grow older.

I think there are increasing numbers of unhappy people. The pursuit of happiness and fulfilment doesn't seem to be particularly prized or prioritised in western culture. Success is measured in different ways.

i think way more people are unhappy with their bodiesw because the media has imposed the standard for beauty, and most people don t even look like it.

b y the way, its super taco tuesday.

not ever!

I'm such a mistake, and I'm longing to not exist...

"The world is the mirror of myself dying."
