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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who or what is God?

Question:Witch one of the religions is right? Are any of them right , maybe there is no God.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Witch one of the religions is right? Are any of them right , maybe there is no God.

God is the non-material quantum field of reality in which we are embedded that is responsive to consciousness. Because of this people observe synchronous events, answered prayers and miracles and tend to project their human attributes onto a deity (wise, powerful, loving etc.) Unfortunately, in the same way they project their defects on to others.

Reality (god) is neutral and simply mirrors 'holographically' the contents of consciousness which is a field (energy for lack of a better word) that survives the body and evolves just as the biological system evolves over time. Most of our indoctrinated beliefs are at the subconscious level and we are oblivious as to why bad things are happening.

All religions - at their core - are one (or several) adept's intuiting of the intersection of psychology and physics - and trying to explain the nature of the relationship between being and reality - providing a path/way to stabilize the relationship and achieve 'heaven/nirvana' in each now moment (eternity). This process always includes a specific means for discarding our limited, conditioned ego identity and remembering our true or authentic Self.

It is good that you are asking this question.
RAmen, brother!

It's called faith. There is no concrete evidence to any of it. You believe what you believe is right.

What is wrong with you!!!!

Of course there is a god and he is from the Catholic/Christian religion. He is the only god for us and he is the father of Jesus.

In other religions such as Buddhism, they praise a different god.

Every religion has its own god but, to all of them, we all believe he is true.

The only thing that bugs the pope and priest is that other religions just made up there own gods and in the 10 commandments it says that you shall not have strange gods before me.

Not everyone has to believe in god if they don't want to but, if you do, you will have someone to watch over for you.

And yes, there is a god.

You spelled which wrong, you spelled it the mean, old lady with a wart on her nose way.

Ah, the beginning of Wisdom. If you truly stand outside of any religious tradition and ask which religious claim you should believe, what will you use to decide? You cannot use reason, since each of them will tell you that reason is human pride. If you try to use faith, each of them become equal since they all claim to be true by faith alone. This is enough to prove that no one of them can be the right choice and you must, therefore, embrace them all or none. Read "Life of Pi",

No one is right, and no one is wrong. Simply put. When we die, I guess we'll find out; maybe not.

But my belief is that God is all that lives. God is me and you, and everyone else. God is the earth, and all that grows from it. He's the animals, the sea, and the sand. I believe that He lives inside of us all; all we have to do is talk to Him.

I am of Pagan belief, no sector, just Pagan.

Peace to You

God is that which nothing greater can be conceived.

-- st. anselm

God is the One and only Holy know a 3 for all....The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit...
For those of you who give a thumbs down because you think it makes your answer your going for points seriously,give it a rest it does not work like to all of you who do that for th wrong reason...I give you thumbs down...

God may be a VERB...