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Position:Home>Philosophy> Awareness and Ignorance?

Question:The animal is ignorant of the fact that he knows. The man is aware of the fact that he is ignorant...Victor Hugo.

How can one be aware of knowing nothing?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The animal is ignorant of the fact that he knows. The man is aware of the fact that he is ignorant...Victor Hugo.

How can one be aware of knowing nothing?

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He asks questions about the unknown. Similar as to the question you just asked. It is not being aware of knowing nothing, but being aware of the fact that there are things that exist which he does not know about. There are also the unknown unknowns, of course.

i have no idea- sorry

you see poeple areound you with different knowledge. no one knows everything, but everyone knows something.

Compared to the least of the angels, I know nothing. Compared to God, I am a dust mote.

The more you learn the more evident it becomes to you how little you do know.

It is is not being aware of "knowing nothing." It is awareness of knowing that there is SOMETHING you don't know.

Wanna grow an apple orchard? What do you know about pruning, bug eradication, soil moisture content, etc? Nothing?

You don't know "nothing." You know you know nothing ABOUT growing an apple orchard.

Nobody is perfect. Therefore, nobody can know everything.
And nobody can claim that they are not ignorance.