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Position:Home>Philosophy> Wouldn't it be sublime to actually touch the sky? like Kanye West's song

Question:If it was possible what would you LIKE it to feel like? ie velvet, smooth etc.......

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If it was possible what would you LIKE it to feel like? ie velvet, smooth etc.......

The sky you say you would like to touch will always be above you, and yet, the space you are occupying and so,touching, now, and not only with an outstretched hand, but with your whole body, is part of that sky.


It would be more sublime to kick Kanye West up the Jacksee for his constant use of Cliches, but I see your point.

i would love to feel 6'2" tall

insted of 5'7" short.

That is how I feel when I am sailing on the Ocean in calm seas. The freedom that comes from knowing you never have to stop because the wind will always blow. The silence combined with the power. No limits. No problems. No fumes. Heaven on earth.

Sky high
I'm, I'm sky high
I'm, I'm sky high
I'm, I'm sky high
I'm, I'm sky high
I'm, I'm sky high
Sky, Sky high

Or how about Jimi...Excuse me while I kiss the sky...nice boots.

Well I believe the sky is the air above us. All you have to do is put your hand up and you're touching the sky.