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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you were god what would u change in da world?

Question:I'd love one common language, no diabtes, a cure 4 cancer & 4 different peoples to be able to get along well no perfectly but well.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'd love one common language, no diabtes, a cure 4 cancer & 4 different peoples to be able to get along well no perfectly but well.

No hatred because of race or religion, peace, everybody had a nice place to live and enough to eat for their family. No children abused just loved and hugged every day!

Im not even gonna try to put myself pn the level of God(u forgot to caps lock his name).bummer ur not God and thats never gonna change....

If I were God, I would kill people like you, who want to have only one language in "da" world and who can't write correctly!

God created the world as it should be, and those who suffer will be compensated later on. It is all for the greater cause, and in the end, he will protect us and love us. None of that needs to change.