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Position:Home>Philosophy> We are... continue!!!?

Question:Continue the story with your opinions and views, not many sentences please. One person writes, another continues. Let's start with: "We are...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Continue the story with your opinions and views, not many sentences please. One person writes, another continues. Let's start with: "We are...

we are what we believe we are..

We are a weird society.

WE ARE.....One in the Spirit..We are one in the Lord...
(This is a wonderful Praise song} 8-)

We are so disconcerted over the entire incident! The world has gone mad and we are here, just the five of us to try and save it! We are now a band of ...............

we are the world we are the children

LOL, I think everyone's doing it wrong. Anyway, we are you! x]

we are stupid

we are all human, get used to it.

we are me. i (or something that is creating my thoughts) am the only thing that truly exists, because of this train of thought that i have. everything else that i sense is just an impulse that my brain has and i am tricked into beliving is reality.