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Position:Home>Philosophy> If one is highly interested in social issues, what is the most fitting professio

Question:If one spends most of the time on social concerns and not focused on one's job requirements, does this indicate the need to change plans/goals?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If one spends most of the time on social concerns and not focused on one's job requirements, does this indicate the need to change plans/goals?

not necessarily. if i understand you right.. this "person" has an interest in social helping people? ...and his or her job doesn't fulfill this need to contribute. Is there a way to use this person's unique skill set in a new way?

plans and goals are 2 different things... these goals might be the most important things in life.. or maybe not.. priority wise"(ie kids family... whatever) the Goal was probably always there... but do the plans stay in line with the goals?

I guess the real question is ..where this person work so that the social concern are being addressed... and at the same time Are the jobs requirement?

in order to get an answer we'd need to know what the social concern is....

or maybe i read it wrong and this person just loves having a social life and cant concentrate on work :P

Yes. Becoming a lawyer would be an excellent way to do both.

Politics. Act locally. Join your local party committee (ie. Your County/Town/etc. Democratic Committee) This will lead you to political appointments, jobs, issues, causes, committees, campaigns etc. etc.


Use to be a politician but. not today for they are only interested in there own interests . Because they become corrupted .

You should look into being a social worker. There are many opportunites in both the private and public sector

a good place to start is at your local volunteer agency...pick something that interest you and try it out.
you may find that volunteering, in and of itself, is what you seek

good luck