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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's the best way to practice sweep picking?

Question: What's the best way to practice sweep picking!?
for a beginner guitarist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi Jason

The best way is to start with the 3 or 4-note sweep on the first three string!.
To do a good clean sweep, you push your pick against the string and, on the last note of the sweep, you finish with an up-stroke!. That is why you always hear the last note slightly louder or sustained as many do!.

Then, you can go to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, note sweep!. The secret is to get the sweeping motion and the last note (up-stroke) synchronized within the timing!.

Once you mastered the up-sweep, you can do back-picking or reverse-sweep and move from smallest to lowest strig!.
When you incorporate the two, the sound and effect is awesome!.

Here are a few links!. The 1st link has free video instructions




Practice the smaller sweeps first, and then progress to the larger ones!.
Three string ones are great for beginning, and then you can move to the larger 5 string and evetually the 6 string ones (if you can find them)
Go slow at first, get your right and left hands syncronised!.
That vid should help!
Never pick each individual string, move it in a constant motion, like your "sweeping" the strings!.

Good luck! It's not easy~ It takes a lot of time and patience!. ^^