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Question:Is a dean Evo XM Electric Guitar a good brand?
Here is a website you can look at. This is the guitar i want.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is a dean Evo XM Electric Guitar a good brand?
Here is a website you can look at. This is the guitar i want.

Dean is a good brand and that model isn't bad for the price I've played on one and it sounded pretty good then I saw the price and was amazed but just remember you get what you pay for. just read the reviews on it on

I would say it's acceptable, but it's not "great".

Some brands are cheap crap - First Act, for instance.

Some brands are cheap but acceptable - Squier, and yeah, Dean.

Some brands are a little more but are very decent - LTD, Epiphone, Ibanez, some Fender.

Some are more expensive but very good - Schechter, Gibson, Fender.

And then you've got the expensive ones - most guitars over a grand can safely be considered pretty dang good.

In my opinion Dean is okay, but not as good as most other guitars. It's a good starter guitar, but I personally would replace it, as my perception is that they couldn't give me the quality of tone that I want in the long run. My aspirations are pretty minimal - I play a couple of LTD guitars at this point, i'm not an expensive guitarist so to speak, but my perception is that LTD is made better, in general, than Dean.

And yes, most mfg's make different levels of quality, I'm being pretty general here - the Dean of today, though, is not the Dean of yesteryear... The Dean of Dimebag's day is not the same Dean of today. They're certainly willing to brag about how he used their brand, though....
