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Position:Home>Performing Arts> So my tenor sax... how do I play from my high notes to low notes smoothly?

Question:ok like when I go from a high D to high C (or whatever notes) its all squeaky sounding.. how do I fix this problem? Is it the saxophone? or is it me? any help would be grrrreat! thnx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok like when I go from a high D to high C (or whatever notes) its all squeaky sounding.. how do I fix this problem? Is it the saxophone? or is it me? any help would be grrrreat! thnx

It is you. You aren't closing the keys smoothly enough (we are talking miliseconds of time, but it is able to be fixed) and it is causing air to leak out. It just takes practice and time. Practice going between the notes slowly with a metronome making sure you are getting the proper results. Then speed it up little by little until you have the timing in your muscle memory.

Lots of practice, both on your fingering and your embouchure.