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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Help with Romeo and Juliet?

Question:I have to do a project on Romeo and Juliet. my teacher gave me a list of projects to choose from and i want to make a playbill. It needs a date, place, and name of theatre. the only problem is that i dont know the date of the play only a period between the 14th and 17th centuries. it ya'll could narrow it down a little more that would be so helpful!!!!!! thanks so much!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have to do a project on Romeo and Juliet. my teacher gave me a list of projects to choose from and i want to make a playbill. It needs a date, place, and name of theatre. the only problem is that i dont know the date of the play only a period between the 14th and 17th centuries. it ya'll could narrow it down a little more that would be so helpful!!!!!! thanks so much!!!!

There is some question as to when it was written. Most believe that Shakespeare began it in 1595 and finished in 1596 when it was performed at the Globe Theatre

im reading romeo and juliet cant help you really sorry..=(

I'm reading Romeo and Juliet right now and it was written in 1595. Is that what you were looking for?