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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Any Tips for Performing this Monologue?

Question:Okay, so i have an audition in 2 days and I'm JUST starting practising now because I've been soo busy at school lately(even though it sounds bad)

So anyway, this monologue is about a girl named Patricia(me) and she is having a fight with her sister because whenever she gets bad marks in school or gets into trouble at school then her sister will bring up how shealways did good in school and never got into trouble!! ANY TIPS ON HOW I CAN MAKE THIS BETTER TO PERFORM??!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, so i have an audition in 2 days and I'm JUST starting practising now because I've been soo busy at school lately(even though it sounds bad)

So anyway, this monologue is about a girl named Patricia(me) and she is having a fight with her sister because whenever she gets bad marks in school or gets into trouble at school then her sister will bring up how shealways did good in school and never got into trouble!! ANY TIPS ON HOW I CAN MAKE THIS BETTER TO PERFORM??!?


make sure u imagine you are actually talking to someone, see them in front of you and talk to them as if they were there. make them someone you know if it helps, someone that annoys you like patricia's sister annoys her.
always personalise it a bit so you can relate to it easier.

and be careful not to just moan or be sad about sister, no one likes a moaner, its better to be a fighter...if that makes any sense...

Basically, (this sounds really corny) but BE the person. While practising pretend 'Patricia' is you, imagine how you would feel if this was happening to you, and use that emotion to convey hers through the speech.

Few other tips:

Don't forget to breathe, a lot of drama students forget to breathe.

Pronunciate well, make every word very clear.

And if you get nervous just before the audition, breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose. It takes a lot more concentration and will take your mind of things.