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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to get the courage to perform my solo?

Question:Im doing a solo in a band contest on saturday. What are some techniques to cure my nervousness before Saturday and in front of the judge?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im doing a solo in a band contest on saturday. What are some techniques to cure my nervousness before Saturday and in front of the judge?

1. pray to God that he will take your nerves and that you will be the best sounding musician there Saturday.

2. breathe (most important thing)

3. stretch a ton (relaxed muscles= relaxed body)

4. If you still feel nervous what I do is move the stand high enough so that I can see the music perfectly and no judges can be seen

Hope that helps,

1. Pray
2. Ask for a pep talk from family/friends
3. Have confidence, tell yourself "I know I can do it, I have been practicing, and I am prepared"
4. Before the show, sit down in a chair in a quiet place, relax, close your eyes, and picture yourself playing your song in front of the judge. Hear it in your mind, with no mistakes. Open your eyes, and you should be relaxed and calm.
5. Remember to have fun, and believe in yourself. If you mess up, don't stop, and pretend it didn't happen,

What is called religious toleration? Idiocy?

The best advice one of my coaches gave me was to picture the butterflies flying around in your stomach, then picture them flying in formation. It's both calming and distracting!

Just don't worry about it. Take all your nerves and turn them into energy to do your solo.