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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What guitar is best?

Question:PRS have great shredding quality.. their semi hollow models have prolly the best blues sound I've had. Even the SE models (499.00 - 649.00) are great... they only lack a little in aesthetics

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: PRS have great shredding quality.. their semi hollow models have prolly the best blues sound I've had. Even the SE models (499.00 - 649.00) are great... they only lack a little in aesthetics

It depends on the person. They are all different have different feel and sound. You need to go try a few out and find which one you like best.

GIBSONS!!! they are amazing... they are hand made and sound the best.

the guitar sounds only as good as the proficiency of the guitarist :)

IF you are just starting i would recommend the squier by fender start dreaming stop playing kit. Thats what i got when i started and i loved it. IT is a great value for the money and it holds up very well.

Hello Melissa H I play guitar it is electric six string. It depend on the sound of the guitar. You want melow sound or hard rock sound. JamesP. O try them out and you will know which one you would like.

electric with mega amplifiers.

Need more info. A Les Paul or Fender Stratocaster (or other electrics) will be useless for playing Classical or other acoustic music. A classical or flat-top acoustic guitar will be no good for Heavy Metal or other electric music. A classical (IMO) is best for overall learning for various reasons.

It depends much on the player's tastes in music and the style shown.

During my professional years I used my Chet Atkins 6120 Nashville, a 1964 model, but I now much prefer my acoustic HD-35 Martin over my Gibsons and other classic/folk guitars.