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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Would you spend money to see a big budget Broadway version of the film, "Mo

Question:The lead characters, Satine and Christian would be replaced although Nicole Kidman has expressed interest if Baz Luhrmann would be involved. Actress Kate Winslet as well as many others have expressed interest in the role.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The lead characters, Satine and Christian would be replaced although Nicole Kidman has expressed interest if Baz Luhrmann would be involved. Actress Kate Winslet as well as many others have expressed interest in the role.

I didn't think I'd like the movie but I ended up loving it. Yes, I would spend money to see a Broadway play (or London as I get there much more often).

One thing I would suggest though is the lead male character be played by Mario Frangoulis. If you don't know who he is I will paste a YouTube link for you to listen to him singing Come What May from Moulin Rouge. Enjoy!

yes, I might---it would definitely translate well to the Broadway stage!

That would be cool! I would so see it.

Definitely...I was wondering about that with my friends the other day actually and we all decided that it would be a brilliant idea!