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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can Left Handed people play the guitar ??

Question:okay so i am a Right handed person i play the guitar to ......but there's my cousin who's younger than me Wants to take Guitar courses from me (like i'll be teaching her and stuff) but she's LEFT HANDED so can she play the guitar ??!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay so i am a Right handed person i play the guitar to ......but there's my cousin who's younger than me Wants to take Guitar courses from me (like i'll be teaching her and stuff) but she's LEFT HANDED so can she play the guitar ??!!

NO!!!!!!!! left handers were touched by the devil!!!!!! you must whip them until they turn right handed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GARRRRR *foams at the mouth*

lol of course left handers can play the guitar - Jimmi Hendrix anyone??

she can either learn right handed or get a specialty guitar designed for lefties ^^

hehe :P


Yes, I am left-handed, but I taught myself to play guitar right-handed.

You can also swap the pick guard over to the other side and string it backward.

The left hand needs dexterity and strength to be able to make chord transitions smoothly, so you really need to have good coordination with BOTH hands.

why sure they can

YES.. playing the guitar takes both sides of the brain to play...

yes. they need something different

yes, they actually make guitars for left handed people. They are actually common.

Sure. Jimi Hendrix was left-handed.

I am too, and I'm trying to teach myself. I turned my guitar so the neck pointed to my right, reversed the strings, and strum with my left hand. But I plan on getting a left-handed guitar, so that the pick guard is in the right place. Any decent music shop should have left-handed instruments.

Teach her to play like Jimmi Hendrix with a right handed guitar, strumming upwards, and picking left handed or you could just go out and buy her a special left handed guitar.

DUH!!! Jimmy Hendrix, and Paul McCartney are all you need to know.