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Question:If you are reading guitar tablature, does that mean you are finger picking the strings individualy?
And if you are playing the chords are you strumming the chord individualy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you are reading guitar tablature, does that mean you are finger picking the strings individualy?
And if you are playing the chords are you strumming the chord individualy?

Not really. If the tab numbers are directly on top of each other like so:
Then it is considered a full chord, but if the numbers are more spread out like:
then you would strum each individual note/string.

nope - guitar tab can be chords and individual notes depending on how it is written.

If you see chords written then yes you are stumming but not always the full chord - you will need to listen to the tune you are learning to find out the strumming pattern most of the time.

Stay away from tab. Learn to read music. It tells you everything you have asked. Tab is just guess work. It tells you where to put your fingers, and gives you no information about the tempo of the song, the picking, or occasional strumming.
If you are making chords, they can be strummed or finger picked. If you are playing contemporary music, then you are probably strumming. Tab or music, the guitar takes a lot of practice. But if you learn to read music, you will be playing the most beautiful music ever.
Good luck in whatever you choose, and practice, practice.