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Question:How can I play faster?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can I play faster?

Practice slowly to improve quickly. This is a secret, so don't tell anyone.

The way to get faster is to practice slowly. Play a scale at a tempo you can manage, then slow it down and keep slowing it down till it's ultra-slow motion. Practice it at this tempo for two weeks. This causes it to sink deeply into the muscle memory. After two weeks of this you'll be able to shred like never before.

Slow practicing should be a part of every practice session.

This is also very difficult and is a great test of patience. If you succeed your patience will be well rewarded.

Good luck.

Practice, practice, practice. The only other thing to try is to change your fingering and play it elsewhere on the neck. Sometimes this works. Find the best place to play it, then just play it until your fingers fall off.


try doing scales everyday, the only way you can get better and faster is by practicing and getting used to the chords and notes, after a while it becomes muscle memory and you won't have to think about it.