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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you speak louder and not so soft?

Question:I don't even talk to people anymore, because I know they just aren't going to hear me, so it's pointless. When I do try to talk loud, I feel like I'm straining, or letting out too much air. Some people just naturally talk loud without much effort. Also, I am shy, so maybe my voice just gets lower because of that, but it sounds normal to me, just not to others around me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't even talk to people anymore, because I know they just aren't going to hear me, so it's pointless. When I do try to talk loud, I feel like I'm straining, or letting out too much air. Some people just naturally talk loud without much effort. Also, I am shy, so maybe my voice just gets lower because of that, but it sounds normal to me, just not to others around me.

I've got some alarm bells going off as I read this.

Brief intro: I'm a communication professor with a music and theatre background who has taught voice and diction at the college level.

Normally, if a person has a soft voice, I'd try to help them learn how to improve breath support. People who are exceptionally shy might improve with some relaxation exercises.

But you feel like you're straining or letting out too much air? That's a concern. It's possible that there's some physical ailment that's messing up your voice--and by extension messing up your self-confidence.

I think you should make arrangements to see a throat doctor (an otolaryngeologist if you want the medical title) and get checked out. If you have a clean bill of health, then you should find someone to help you with breathing--a choir director, a wind player, or you could try studying voice-and-diction texts (ask a librarian to find one for you). And also, find relaxation exercises for the voice--those might be in the voice-and-diction texts, but also will be in acting books (I recommend Uta Hagan and Robert Lewis).

A soft voice is not necessarily a drawback to conversation! Sometimes people are so involved in their own thoughts, voice, conversation etc. they wouldn't hear you if you were as loud as a jet engine!

Something you can do for yourself is find a club or association for public speaking - depending on where you live - there are several in Australia and I imagine that the US has many too. Join up and get involved. for example, in Australia there is the Penguin Club for women
This does not mean you have to do public speaking but will teach you strategies to speak clearly and be heard.

I don't know if you are female or male but check it out and see if it leads you to something in your area.

Good luck!