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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Bass to Guitar???

Question:I've been playing bass for almost 5 years and i can play many things and play in many styles/genres, and recently i've been interested in guitar. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to play both? Will it mess up my playing style? Also, would there be anything i can benefiet from knowing how to play bass and starting guitar?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been playing bass for almost 5 years and i can play many things and play in many styles/genres, and recently i've been interested in guitar. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to play both? Will it mess up my playing style? Also, would there be anything i can benefiet from knowing how to play bass and starting guitar?

Bass is nothing but the top four strings on a guitar. If you can play fast on the Bass then you'll have no problem playing fast on the smaller spaced frets and closer strings. The only thing you would have to really do would be to learn chords. I've played both for about 2 years now and enjoy them a lot. So good luck and have fun.

Bro your half way there.

I play both and love to warm up on the bass every day.

Probably the best thing you already know is how not to be a big headed guitar ******!

That and a thing or two about the groove.