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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Hey! I have a 1060 carbon steel blade , just wane know what oil in recommended f

Question:Try some guitar polish.

Or maybe the repair section under Home and Garden. This is the music performance section.

Mystery Oil sold in car parts stores is good for cleaning stuff like that. Also, automatic transmission fluid is oil with cleansers and that might help.

Good luck!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Try some guitar polish.

Or maybe the repair section under Home and Garden. This is the music performance section.

Mystery Oil sold in car parts stores is good for cleaning stuff like that. Also, automatic transmission fluid is oil with cleansers and that might help.

Good luck!

oil for samurai in normal conditions I order mine From Japan .In very humid conditions coat with Vaseline after cleaning.High carbon blades need to be maintained regularly.

I had a stain on a carbon blade and asked someone in a kitchen store and she said use Bartenders Friend and the stain came right out.