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Position:Home>Performing Arts> In guitar where is G sharp...?

Question:the note.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the note.

In open or first position, you can find G# in three distinct locations. On the first string, it is the fourth fret, (1/4) on the last string it is also the fourth fret (6/4) and on the third string it is the first fret. (3/1) You can also find G# in many other places around the fingerboard, but those should do for now.

When you have learned the first three and are ready to go exploring, I posted a few links to guitar fretboard maps below. You should be able to find any note you need anywhere on the fretboard with these resources. If you have any more questions or if I did not explain something clearly enough, give me a shout and I will do my best to help you out further.

On your low E string, it is at the fourth fret, and the same on your high E string.

The E string, 4th fret is the lowest G sharp.

This picture will help you find the rest

this isn't exact way but an alternative and easy one.
start off by usig the same finger positions that you use for G chord but placing them one fret away from the starting fret of g chord.....that is you would be starting from the 3rd fret.

It's a half step up (or one fret up) from you're G. Such as the E string, 3rd fret is G, then the 4th fret is G#. There is a G on every string, its just they are either an octave higher or lower than the other G's. It's the same as piano kind of, you have middle C and then you have high C and low C.

It's located between the G, and the A. It is also known as an A flat.

A half step above G. There's many occurances of G# on the fretboard. Consult a diagram.