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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What questions should I ask my music teacher to see if I did well?

Question:I just auditioned for a solo in the Spring Concert, and there are only two other people who I consider to be rivals. What sort of questions should I ask my music teacher to help me out a little more in my results? I don't want to seem too nervous, because then she'll think that I can't get up in front of a crowd and sing... What should I do to make her lean towards my audition?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just auditioned for a solo in the Spring Concert, and there are only two other people who I consider to be rivals. What sort of questions should I ask my music teacher to help me out a little more in my results? I don't want to seem too nervous, because then she'll think that I can't get up in front of a crowd and sing... What should I do to make her lean towards my audition?

ask what you can do to improve your performance, never mention how you did or did not do.