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Position:Home>Performing Arts> The (two words) tells how many beats are in each measure,?

Question:and what kind of note gets 1 beat. What are the two words that fit this sentence? Thank you so much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and what kind of note gets 1 beat. What are the two words that fit this sentence? Thank you so much!

key signature is how many beats in each measure and a quarter note gets one beat when the key signature is 4-4

"what kind of note gets 1 beat"

a quarter note...?

im a little confused. haha

There are four beats in a 4.4 key signiture. A quarter note gets 1 beat , half note 2 beats, eighth notes 1/2 beat , whole notes 4 beats, sixteenth notes 1/2 of a eighth note

the answer is the time signature not the key signature. the time signature has two numbers - the top tells how many beats in a measure and the bottom tells what kind of note will get 1 beat. (usually it is a 4-meaning the quarter note will get 1 beat.)
the key signature comes before the time signature and has sharps or flats to tell you what key the piece is in - or what scale it is based on.