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Position:Home>Performing Arts> 'Hotel California'- hand drumming?

Question:I have NO percussion skills. I do have a Roland drumming device called 'Handsonic 10' which provides cogas, tabla, drums etc.

My wish is to ask for advice in terms of what I should use to play the 'back-up' beat for that song from one of you talented musicians.

Simple instructions/directions will be appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have NO percussion skills. I do have a Roland drumming device called 'Handsonic 10' which provides cogas, tabla, drums etc.

My wish is to ask for advice in terms of what I should use to play the 'back-up' beat for that song from one of you talented musicians.

Simple instructions/directions will be appreciated.

My advice is:

1. Listen to the recording over and over and over until you have a feel for the song.

2. SING (yes, sing) a percussion part along with it, perhaps: "diggy-diggy-diggy-dooga" or "dig da diggy dooga." Make your own.

3. When translating your singing to the HandSonic, replace your "diggys" with higher sounding percussion (i.e. High conga) and your "doogas" with lower sounding percussion (Low Conga). Use the percussive voices to replace your own.

4. Don't over complicate it. Yes, the HandSonic has lots of bells and whistles. Guess what... Hotel is a pretty straightforward groove without a whole lot of flash going on.