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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you think I can sing well? :P? Constructive criticism only. I''m just bored and thought I'd ask. :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Constructive criticism only. I''m just bored and thought I'd ask. :D

Overall, you're pretty good.
That wasn't really a good song choice because of your country style, because it ends up sounding kind of broadway.
But, I listened some other songs, and they were pretty good too. Try some crescendo and decrescendo at some parts too, try to be a bit softer too because you seemed pretty yelly at some points.

you definantly can blow when you have to.
you might want to try using dynamics cresendos and such.
you start out too strong alot of the times.
it sounds a little nasely...

ur good but its illegal to remakeand use someone ellses song and put it on ur myspace profile just so u know