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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How does one become more eloquent?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ???

Lots and lots of self-improvement, specifically:

--Build a vocabulary. Learn to love words. Go to a library and ask a reference librarian to recommend a book that will build your vocabulary, and then use it!

--Learn a lot. If you don't have anything to talk about, you may as well not talk.

--Speak often, and critique and practice to improve.

--Think fast! The good speakers know the structure of the sentence before they start to speak it, so that they're never left dangling.

(Sounds like you're doing a pretty good job already.)

Study vocabulary, love language, watch and study intellectual films and plays rather than crap.

When I did a radio course, the boss recommended reading aloud the front page of the paper daily.

Spend time with eloquent and more importantly very intelligent people. I'm sure you can at least find one somewhere. The best way to expand your vocabulary and improve your expression is to learn by osmosis (as is usually the case).

Another tip- while the use of more than one question mark or exclamation point is tempting, it is nonetheless incorrect and tends to come off as... uneducated- or at the very least annoying. I'm not one to correct people online but I thought I would mention it because of your current quest!

Good luck!