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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I was wondering if any one had and funny skits?

Question:A friend and I want to start our own website of funny skits and it would be awesome if anyone had any ideas. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A friend and I want to start our own website of funny skits and it would be awesome if anyone had any ideas. Thanks!

If you are'nt sure what you want to do, try watching some stand up comedy and try to get ideas from skits done by previous comedians (monty python could be a start, or try looking for the chaser's war on everything on you tube). Basically watch and learn from what other comedians have done.

type bpat1218 in at youtube and watch my vids.
i only have 2 but loco videos is a project so it should be lame(go to about 5 min)
hope they give you ideas

also satires are pretty funny

one person starts to make a sandwhich but cant open the mayo. It turns out to have a whole crowd, in your kitchen, trying to open this jar of mato. Everybody is frustrated abd while nobody is looking, a little kid comes and sticks her/his hands in the mayo (he/she opened it) and walks off with it. Everybody is left speechless and then walks off like nothing happened.

No Time For Comedy.
Act II
Scene II
very funny!

i didt this for my theatre midterm.