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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Picking up the violin again.?

Question:I started playing violin at age 8, but after around 13 I switched to fencing lessons. And now I'm 15 going on 16.

I want to stack both together (and also learn the piano if I can fit time in), but I feel as though I will have to relearn all of the basics. Will I have difficulty If I start taking violin lessons again? Or will it all come back to me in a few days?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I started playing violin at age 8, but after around 13 I switched to fencing lessons. And now I'm 15 going on 16.

I want to stack both together (and also learn the piano if I can fit time in), but I feel as though I will have to relearn all of the basics. Will I have difficulty If I start taking violin lessons again? Or will it all come back to me in a few days?


I had to stop playing the violin due to tendonitis, but after a few years away from it I have taken it up again.

It is very surprising ; it all comes back very quickly. Just give yourself a few weeks practising scales and long bow strokes.
You should be okay after a few weeks.....maybe even one week. Practise every day and get a private teacher.

This site may help you to brush up : click on exercises and watch the videos.

If you were half-way decent when you stopped, things will come back to you. It's not as easy as riding a bike, because you'll have to retrain your brain to look ahead at measures and work up the muscles in your hands. PRACTICE YOUR SCALES. It's an excellent way to get back into shape.

hmm... i played violin for three years.. but then i kinda got tired of it and switch to bass. (string bass) now i kinda wanna go back... but violin is too popular.. and it stresses me out....
cuz if i made an mistake on the bass, people don't usually care... but violin, everyone that stares at u...

I've been playing piano for like 5 years.. and i've been thinking about dropping it too.. cuz it's really expensive...
and i'm running out of time practicing it as much as i used to..

I'm 23 and I'm just starting to get the hang of using vibrato of course I only started learning the violin a few months ago. I also want to learn piano they just go so well together. I don't think it's ever too late to learn to play an instrument and it'll probably only take you a short while to get use to the violin again. Focus on your passion and determination, it will really speed things up.

It'll come back to you. You're still so incredibly young that I wouldn't worry about it.

I've been playing the violin for 10 years now. A couple of years ago, I did nothing but play songs off the radio. When I finally got back into a program, it all came flooding back. Now I'm concert mistress of my orchestra. It'll come back. Trust me.