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Position:Home>Performing Arts> On a b-flat clarinet, how do you trill a middle A natural?

Question:I know you go from A natural to Bnatural, but it's difficult going from one key to having all fingers on it. I always trill it really slow because I can't go fast. Is there an alternate B fingering?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know you go from A natural to Bnatural, but it's difficult going from one key to having all fingers on it. I always trill it really slow because I can't go fast. Is there an alternate B fingering?

This is a fingering chart. I play the clarinet as well and it's impossible to go from A natural to B natural crossing the break without a weird noise, so you have to use the upper( far right B fingering on the chart) fingering. It's hard to hit the right key at first but if you practice a little, I'll become easier, I promise.

A to G or A to G#

ask your teacher or director which one they want you to.


ooooooo u play the clarinet??

I play the flute!!!