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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Please can you tell me what American Pie is that they sing about?

Question:this song was written by Don McClean and he dedicated the album to Buddy Holly. The song is based on an abstract version of his life, starting with the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly.

There has been many interpretations of what American Pie means, but Don McClean remains quiet about this, when he was asked what it meant, he said "it means i will never have to work again". So it still remains a mystery, although I have read somewhere that the song links to JF Kennedy.
I know thats still confusing, but hope it helps.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: this song was written by Don McClean and he dedicated the album to Buddy Holly. The song is based on an abstract version of his life, starting with the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly.

There has been many interpretations of what American Pie means, but Don McClean remains quiet about this, when he was asked what it meant, he said "it means i will never have to work again". So it still remains a mystery, although I have read somewhere that the song links to JF Kennedy.
I know thats still confusing, but hope it helps.

check out this link

It's about the good old times of past living, when things were more to the singers liking.
One day you'll look back and sing the same thing.

the death of buddy holly

It's about the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Jiles Perry Richardson (the Big Bopper) and Ritchie Valens.
"The day the music died."

Wonderful piece of 'Americana' - an ode and a lament, dedicated to, the, never-to-be-erased Memory, of, Both; Buddy Holly, and, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Great album; "Vincent", is, yet, another melodious poem, of; unexpurgated magnitude.