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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is up with these drama teams who say their for god but dance to music that

Question:Its just crazy I have seen some videos of them dancing to likin park and rap songs that wouldn't be played in a Church so these drama groups are blasphemer's seeings how they say they are for god then dance to devil music

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its just crazy I have seen some videos of them dancing to likin park and rap songs that wouldn't be played in a Church so these drama groups are blasphemer's seeings how they say they are for god then dance to devil music

Everybody's for God until God tells them to be different.
I think it's important that you know what you're about as a Christian, and what dancing you'll do. But worrying about what other people are or aren't doing isn't your job. If their actions are worth writing Yahoo! Answers about, then they're worth praying about. Let God handle it.

The Song of Solomon is in the Bible. Does the fact that it's there make it Godly? Or does it's subject matter make it ungodly? Does it mean Solomon was evil? It's up to God to decide, not you.

You don't want an explination or an answer here. You want someone else to say "Oh yez, I beleeve that sayingg your christian and then dancingg 2 songs byy liken [Linkin, by the way] park, it's a sin. And thatt's completely wrongg."
I suspect you're not a dancer yourself. If you were, you would understand that it's not aways the lyric of the song that inspires you to dance to it. It's a visual interpretation of the feeling you have when you listen to that song. When you hear a song on the radio with a nice beat, do you wait to hear the lyrics before having emotion towards it?
Plus, I really don't think that God is sitting in heaven saying "AHA! She danced to a song that was sung by a sinner, therefore, she is a sinner." If He is, none of us have a snowball's chance of getting into Heaven.
But you're probably going to disregard this comment anyway, because I don't fully agree with you.

You're funny. Not funny "ha ha" I mean funny "tragic".

"I know christians aren't supposed to judge but ... " stop right there and SHUT UP.

Matthew 7:5. Read it. Apply it. Think about it (I know, it's hard, but....) before you open your mouth.

So many christians I know are hypocrites because they go around judging *everything* based on these preconceptions of what God is and who God is and what God wants.... you don't know what God wants, you are to God what an ant is to a 747. You don't know jack. You, and christians like you, are what give christianity a bad name.

Life is simply not black and white - it's not that easy. When you look for the easy answer ("oh, it must be either good or bad, nothing in between!") you ignore the complicated and subtle truth of life - that words like "good" and "evil" are often completely inadequate to describe the real world. Is a man a sinner if he kills another man in self defense? How about if he steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving child? How about if he lies shamelessly to people to convert them to christianity, and they actually end up happier people? What if he preaches to people and enriches people and helps people make better lives for themselves during the day and has homosexual relations at night?

You can't simply say "he's good" or "he's evil" in each of these situations - these are morally complicated and not simple. Some things simply should not be blindly labeled and pigeonholed.

Ha, Linkin Park being blasphemous! You do know that at least half of them are christian, right? See, just because they don't say "praise jesus!" in their music, you *judge* them to be blasphemous. Matthew 7:5... did I mention that one?

And who cares what music would be played in church and what wouldn't? Can you honestly say that every single song you listen to would be appropriate to play in the middle of a church service? Of course not - church is for worship and reaffirming belief in God, it's not for all the other things in life that music can address.... and yes, everything from drug abuse (and recovery thereof) - "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park, for instance. I may not like the song all that much, but the "Apple Bottom Jean" song is great to dance to.

Since you like applying labels ("blasphemer! devil music!") so much, how about when you wake up tomorrow morning and look in the mirror, slap a sticker saying "hypocrite" on your forehead. Maybe it'll help remind you that it's not your place to impose your beliefs and values and preconceptions (most of which are sounding pretty dumb) on others.
