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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Black lights for stage performance, I have no idea what to can you help me?

Question:So I was thinking it might be neat to have black lights on stage to enhance the appeal of my performance. But the roof is pretty high up and I don't know the range of the black lights, could I put them on the floor in front of me shining up on me. I want to wear UV glowing contacts and maybe have some paint on me that glows under black light. Can you rent black lights?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So I was thinking it might be neat to have black lights on stage to enhance the appeal of my performance. But the roof is pretty high up and I don't know the range of the black lights, could I put them on the floor in front of me shining up on me. I want to wear UV glowing contacts and maybe have some paint on me that glows under black light. Can you rent black lights?

Yes... they can be rented and secondly, it doesn't matter if the lamp is on the floor. If it is dark on stage and you are wearing white, it will glow perfectly.

Black light is UV.. ja?
Cheap UV bars will diffuse really quickly, but are fine for small stages and are really easy to mount on the floor. UV cannons are the biz, however the're huge and not really appropriate for floor mounting in any way. Unless you can get some pretty direct illumination, the UV fluorescent contacts won't really work. Day hire'd be about £15-25. If you could message me with more details I might be able to give you some more advice.