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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I get my Low B flat out on my Bassoon?

Question:I've only been playing for a year, but I'm 3rd chair out of 4 Bassoonist and I got a 1+ on a solo festival (The Best) but I still can't get it out I've tried everything!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've only been playing for a year, but I'm 3rd chair out of 4 Bassoonist and I got a 1+ on a solo festival (The Best) but I still can't get it out I've tried everything!!

Make sure your chin is pulled back and your not biting or anything. It may help to practice in front of a mirror. When I was learning the low octave, I found it helpful to start on the second line B flat and go down in the major scale (or chromatic). It may take a while to get the low B flat out, but you'll get it. You also have to be careful with your air.