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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have a question for band directors and people that make thier own reeds?

Question:Okay, I play the bassoon. I've been playing since the 6th grade and I am in the 8th grade now. I was wondering when I should start learning how to make my own reeds.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, I play the bassoon. I've been playing since the 6th grade and I am in the 8th grade now. I was wondering when I should start learning how to make my own reeds.

Reed making is an incredibly arcane skill. Most bassoonists i know did not learn the craft of reed shaping etc. until they were in college. (One incredibly smart kid i went to school with from middle school through high schol was taught the craft by his private teacher when he was a sophomore in high school).

The best answer to your question is "when your private teacher thinks you are ready"
