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Position:Home>Performing Arts> WHAT to BRING for my instructor's RECITAL??

Question:My music instructor is going to have her junior recital tomorrow. Do I need to bring anything to her? If I do, what should I bring?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My music instructor is going to have her junior recital tomorrow. Do I need to bring anything to her? If I do, what should I bring?


I'm assuming you're talking about a college recital?

I'm not sure that you really need to bring a gift or anything. I've done my fair share of recitals, I've been to many for total strangers(to do critiques for my own schooling), and I went to my friend's final recital for her Master's degree, and nobody brought gifts. Her folks and hubby arranged for refreshments afterwards, but nobody brought any gifts.

I wouldn't sweat it too much. Just showing your support by being there to see her perform is going to make her really happy.

flowers are always good. maybe a corsage? i think in today's world a congrats card would be nice or better yet take a photo of it happening and frame and give it to her later.
be creative.
maybe even a gift related to the music or instrument she plays.

A smile