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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can anybody tell me how to levetate really?

Question:The only folks I know of who claim to do it are some TM folks, and they would probably say you need to study TM for umpteen years.

Why the lust for siddhis? You can do the same thing for less with a trampoline. The mental focus and effort are valuable in themselves, but why not apply them to a more valuable object?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The only folks I know of who claim to do it are some TM folks, and they would probably say you need to study TM for umpteen years.

Why the lust for siddhis? You can do the same thing for less with a trampoline. The mental focus and effort are valuable in themselves, but why not apply them to a more valuable object?

Apply an upward force equal to your weight

ropes and a harness

ask criss angel??? i dont know????????!!!!!!!!

I used to do all this research on the paranormal, yet I can't remember all the details on levitation... ;_;

Anyway, it's been explained as heavy duty mind-over-matter. You basically have to will your body to float and have to want it more than anything else. I also read that it requires lots of meditation and such in preparation.

I highly doubt that anyone in todays world could learn to levitate, though, even if it was possible in the past.

It can't be done unassisted. Anyone who claims it can is just plain silly. It is one of those paranormal boasts that just has never been demonstrated.

However, as an illusion it can be achieved in a number of ways., but magicians do not give up their secrets lightly.