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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Acoustic guitar price range?

Question:I'm looking to buy an acoustic guitar, but I don't want to spend a lot of money. What would you say is the lowest I could get a decent one for (new or used, doesn't matter)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking to buy an acoustic guitar, but I don't want to spend a lot of money. What would you say is the lowest I could get a decent one for (new or used, doesn't matter)?

USED...$50 off Ebay
NEW...about $120

Look for good names like

1. Ibanez

Good luck


It depends on the make.

mine costed exactly 100 AUD (Australian Dollars)

This is a great guitar. And I don't know what a lot of money is to you.

I have a really good Valencia acoustic for only $90, + $15 for a good case. This is in Australian Dollars by the way, so if you're not in Aus you may want to convert that :] I suggest looking at a few websites for what you're after.
Good luckkk

depending on how serious you want to get with it. I wouldn't soly go by the price. My main criteria would be how does it sound, how does it play. But you can get a reasonably good guitar for $160, I have seen them for less, but I haven't paid them too much attention because my experience is such that they would be nothing but dissapointing. When you get a guitar, get one that you really like the look of, it has to sound good, has to play really nice meaning the strings are just the right distance above the neck, and it has to stay in tune.