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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I play the flute but is it cool?

Question:i love playing the flute but you never see them in bands or anything like that some people say they are really cool but some people dont

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i love playing the flute but you never see them in bands or anything like that some people say they are really cool but some people dont

Do what you love

Doesn't matter if it looks cool, just enjoy what you do.

I'm in band as well and I play the French Horn and Trumpet. As well as guitar and ukulele

Not much people have skills to play instruments. Playing an instrument is also good for college

Trust me...playing any instrument is cool (and super hot)!!!

this one time at band camp lol

Why should it matter if it's 'cool'?
I think it's great if someone can play any instrument though.

Have you ever been to band camp? And one time? That is cool........No???.....hmmmmm.

a,no chance...just kidding....of course it is least i believe so...don't know about othet people!

Playing the flute is cool ..playing any instrument is cool...make your own band and make the flute work as part of it, now that would reallly be cool. Oh and check out Jethro Tull an old band but it will show you one way in which the flute can be used as an instrument in a rock band.....Keep playin

Playing any instrument is sexy <33
Listen to Emilie Autumn i THINK some of her songs have the flute in them but i dont listen to the songs that do but all her music is magic to me <33
Also you know Operator Please they have a volinist and there music works with the violin.

Ian Anderson Jethro Tull...

Flutes are not so popular in pop bands, but they are a necessity in the big classical music orchestras anyway, so be proud of yourself and your hobby! Even if you will not become a professional musician, you can continue it as a hobby and make people happy with your playing!

Flute is cool!
I went through this phase in my flute playing where I thought flute wasnt' so cool, so I picked up saxophone, too, which has the same fingerings. After a while, though, I grew to embrace my fluttiness, and I love it!
People who play other instruments in band are really impressed when you can play ridiculously fast high stuff!
Despite what others may think, flute can be used for just about any kind of music, too! I play jazz and pop music all the time on flute!

Who cares if its cool!?
Honestly, I think playing an instrument in general is cool.
And just because they aren't in bands, where would an orchestra be without the flute section?
Just think to yourself, "Those people who may be making fun of me, they probably can't even play an instrument, or read music" and that, my friend, makes you pretty darn cool.

why should it matter? you're not playing flute to please the world! It doesn't matter if other people like it if you do