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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Whats this stuff on my clarinet mouthpiece??

Question:Its been a while since I've noticed this but, there is this white stuff on my clarinet mouthpiece I try to wash it off, but it comes back .. how can I get it off? what is it??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Its been a while since I've noticed this but, there is this white stuff on my clarinet mouthpiece I try to wash it off, but it comes back .. how can I get it off? what is it??

It's your dried saliva, which has calcium in it. Soak your mouthpiece in vinegar for a while (any regular kind from the kitchen) and it will go away.

it's actually your spit dried up. the only method i can think of to keep it from coming back is washing your mouthpiece with soap and water often.

i think i have that same problem..i think its old dried spit, and since your always using it, it will probably always come back.

It's marks where you have bit down with your teeth too hard...
Just about every mouthpiece has some, I play sax so I'm about 99% sure thats what it is, and yeah it won't come off, it's scratches basically.

same as the stuff that grows on your teeth. When you blow thrugh it, included in that mouth-vapor are millions of micro-organisms. They land on the mouthpiece (dark, moist hot, like your mouth) and do what they know best...grow.
Wipe it off and dump it in listerene before u put it back in the case.. Try rinsing your mouth before you play.

make sure u dry ur clari VERY WELL after ur done playing or it will start to kill the cork and smell/taste funny

boil water and vinegar
and pout ur mouth piece in the water without getting the cork wet
let it dry spry with minty cleaning spray (teacher probably has some)

It's actually dried up spit. Try to use vinegar to disinfect it and clean your mouthpiece after you play with soap and water. Hope I helped.