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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to learn how to sing better, are there any online vocal coaches or vocal

Question:I auditioned for American Idol four years ago, and I'm planning on going back this summer, but I need a vocal coach, any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I auditioned for American Idol four years ago, and I'm planning on going back this summer, but I need a vocal coach, any suggestions?

This guy helped me lol

He shares quite a bit in his online videos. He also has more lessons on his site that you can pay for.

Too bad you want to sing for American Idol.

Have you ever considered that there's a whole world of much realer music than that you can get involved in?

Only one in 200 million gets to be an American idol. If you just want to become a musician, that's ultimately going to be much more rewarding.

I think pop culture has made generations of people really dumb.

I answer this same question often - with the same answer, too. Unless someone can HEAR you, then they cannot teach you. How do I know? Because I have been a vocal teacher since 1971. Online lesson might work for accounting, or other content-based things- but NOT NOT NOT for performance. Are there people who are trying to SELL online lessons, or even GIVE them away, because they just like to see themselves online? Of course. They might have a couple of exercises for you to copy - but there is not way to judge if you are doing them correctly - so what is the point?